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Dirty Dogs

Just back from a walk in the park. Three of our local dogs - Bella, Dougal and Sampras - decided to come along too. So after a while I stopped by the lake and the dogs lay down and wandered over from time to time to have their heads patted.

There is no better way to be stared at in Tirana than to be seen keeping company with street dogs and even touching them. Pedestrians, runners, cyclists and motorists all turned to stare on the way by. One guy was staring so hard that he went off the road and started heading towards the lake.

Apart from staring most people don't actually say anything. Only one person has ever commented. He said that the dogs were dirty. Which they are - they live on the street, they find their food among the garbage. But I don't understand why people are concerned about dirty dogs when every street in this city has a pile of overflowing garbage, often blocking the pavement and often located directly outside a restaurant or cafe. Our own fine street has two such piles.

In fact, if it weren't for the dogs eating the garbage and probably killing the rats that feed on the garbage the place would be an even worse mess. Dirty dogs are the least of this city's health and safety problems.


Anonymous said…
Tirana is not as bad as Prishtina for dogs! There they tend to hunt people in packs at night time. Everything is relative I suppose...
olli said…
Welcome Tironsi - fair point, though given the choice between rats and dogs I'll take my chances with the dogs. And just because the garbage doesn't move it doesn't mean it is not going to make you sick. As for what they say in Albania, my basic and formal Albanian doesn't help me understand the significance of the donkeys and saddles. Maybe you could enlighten me.

Scruffy, I saw lots of very large stray dogs in Athens which surprised me. And I can certainly understand your concern when there are kids involved.

The honeymoon phase actually ended after I came back from Prague - I've just been trying not to let it show too much.

Sorry I have no pictures of Athens - forgot to bring my camera.

Anonymous, I've heard they had problems in Prishtina - I also heard that one of NATOs many tasks was to shoot them. I know that in some rural areas they have had the same problem with packs of dogs becoming very aggressive. Maybe being in the city and being around people makes them more wary and less confident.

Anna, I had a friend who was chased through the park in daylight by a group of dogs, though I have not yet had any problems other than being barked at. Having said that, I am also wary of unknown dogs coming my way after dark.
Anonymous said…
Go to local sport good store and buy air horn used at futbol game. this scare dog away. I use when walk in park and no dog bother me, and horn no hurt dog either.
olli said…
Thanks for the tip Vlad
Anonymous said…

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