Another article from the Economist.
I was watching Top Channel last night, first the news, then Fiks Fare. According to them Tirana's citizens now have a choice not only between Rama and Olldashi, but also between Rama and Rama. A minor right-wing faction, Parti 'Balli Kombetar' , submitted papers to the election authorities registering their candidate, Akile Rama. The people on Fiks Fare got hold of the papers and sent a reporter and camera team to the address listed for Mr A Rama. After much ringing of the bell the gate was reluctantly opened by a middle-aged woman who refused to speak to the reporter and tried to close the gate on her. Back in the studio Saimiri and Doctori - the two presenters of Fiks Fare - revealed that Mr Akile Rama was 73 years old, in hospital, and did not know he was now a candidate for mayor. They also compared two documents - the papers submitted on his behalf, and a genuine document he had signed. The signatures were not even remotely similar. There was an interview with the lea...
I don’t know what to make of this. Is it an attempt of “Bush hate campaign” or just to put down your small neighbours?
Just check this thread out...
And I saw the so called evidence, if the guy could have taking it in less that 9/10 of a second in the middle of 30 strong gang of CIA then it most be a world record. The guy must have a medal.
Stop talking about this becouse is not real
The watch fall on the ground. Bush looks down along with his bodyguard. Later it was given to Laura.
As you may notice in the video, Bush's wristwatch fell off at some point, but it has been confirmed by media (VizionPlus TV) that it was found by the bodyguards who handed it over to Lady Bush later on. And you will see in many other videos Bush wearing his watch again while entering Air Force One during departure as he waives back to us. If he had a spare watch, most likely it would have been inside the airplane, therefore, there is no doubt that Bush got his original watch back and everything was accidental. So, don't worry, be happy, time is still ticking on and everything is in Bush's hands! Kosovo will be Independent soon, think of 4th July 2007 as the day of happening, where we can celebrate together with Americans, The Independence Day. (more)
I guess it's settled now, hopefully.
Anywhosle, why dignify any of this crap? If people want to make Albanians out to be thieves, than there is really not much we can do about it.