At the weekend we finally headed South. Together with some friends we drove down to Llogora, between Vlora and Himara. The weather was great, the beaches were pleasant and uncrowded, the water was clear and the food was superb. I even tried some lamb's head at last. The lips (I think they were lips) were fine; the brain was disappointing - mushy with very little taste. The raki tasted better than usual, though I resisted the suggestion that I should have some with breakfast. Below are some photographs of the area and of part of our Sunday dinner. The last photograph is of the Independence Monument in Vlora.
I was watching Top Channel last night, first the news, then Fiks Fare. According to them Tirana's citizens now have a choice not only between Rama and Olldashi, but also between Rama and Rama. A minor right-wing faction, Parti 'Balli Kombetar' , submitted papers to the election authorities registering their candidate, Akile Rama. The people on Fiks Fare got hold of the papers and sent a reporter and camera team to the address listed for Mr A Rama. After much ringing of the bell the gate was reluctantly opened by a middle-aged woman who refused to speak to the reporter and tried to close the gate on her. Back in the studio Saimiri and Doctori - the two presenters of Fiks Fare - revealed that Mr Akile Rama was 73 years old, in hospital, and did not know he was now a candidate for mayor. They also compared two documents - the papers submitted on his behalf, and a genuine document he had signed. The signatures were not even remotely similar. There was an interview with the lea
That's "dolce vita" there, brother.
Good for you...
I don't know what I am doing freezing my behind in Canada, when heaven is back in Albania...
Thx for the pics. they're dreamy