We had yet another accident on our wide straight road in bright daylight a couple of days ago. I heard the crunch but I'm not sure how they managed a head on collision in these circumstances.
Obviously someone in the neighbourhood has had enough and has put in place a creative traffic calming system. It consists of two thick lengths of rope spread across the road. Surprisingly, traffic approaching these almost always slow to a crawl while crossing them.
I'm not sure who is responsible for this very welcome development but there is a newly opened cafe at the bottom of the street with open air seating beside the road. I suspect they are responsible since having cars tearing past at high speed is not only unpleasant for their customers but also dangerous.
It's too much to hope that the the responsible authorities will get the message and construct some speed bumps. Perhaps we need to find a lot more rope.
"Our Man" do you drive around yourself? I was curious if there were any actual speed bumps elsewhere around the city.
There's a few....
Anon, I'm afraid I'm not smart enough to come up with something like this.
The rope looks odd, so it slows people down more effectively, does less damage to their suspension and it can be moved around so they don't get used to it. Genius.
I'd like to say let's try it in Britain but we'd probably get nicked for obstructing a public highway.