I was watching Top Channel last night, first the news, then Fiks Fare. According to them Tirana's citizens now have a choice not only between Rama and Olldashi, but also between Rama and Rama. A minor right-wing faction, Parti 'Balli Kombetar' , submitted papers to the election authorities registering their candidate, Akile Rama. The people on Fiks Fare got hold of the papers and sent a reporter and camera team to the address listed for Mr A Rama. After much ringing of the bell the gate was reluctantly opened by a middle-aged woman who refused to speak to the reporter and tried to close the gate on her. Back in the studio Saimiri and Doctori - the two presenters of Fiks Fare - revealed that Mr Akile Rama was 73 years old, in hospital, and did not know he was now a candidate for mayor. They also compared two documents - the papers submitted on his behalf, and a genuine document he had signed. The signatures were not even remotely similar. There was an interview with the lea...
But of course I'd be very excited if Clinton and Blair came!
Outside of my personal experience, in the context of Albanian culture, I never expected anyone to support a right wing president outside of what he might do for Albania.
But alas, here comes Anonymous.
if Clinton decides to come I hope they confiscate his cigars at the airport.
Yes, its, yes the worst president for those that are living in the naive world of "common wealth" and the "benefits to all people" and "equailty and brotherhood amongst man" and other such teenage ideals of the sort. Those that actually did understand where this war was leading invested heavily in XOM or APA and will be glad for this war to continue for another century. Personally I only hope he decides to nuke Iran, Nigeria and (why not) Venezuela too and I can then retire next year. Stop living in La-La land, communism dies with Marx.
Yeah, that's a great reason to go to war. 3000 deaths later, how much richer is your portfolio? btw XOM and APA stock is going nowhere but down these days ... together I guess with the ratings of the President.
Clinton eshte baxhellë.