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Crash (Again)

Middle of the day. No other traffic. Dead straight road. Boy in Mercedes decides to play with his brakes. Tyres squeal. Boy loses control. Car slides. Car hits parked lorry. Result: Mercedes 0 - Lorry 1.


Glad that idiot didn't hurt anyone and only destroyed his old Mercedes. Nothing that can ever be said about Albanian drivers is an overstatement. I just returned from a week in Albania yesterday, and it's almost painful to see the way people drive there. And what's even worse is the fact that this is such an easy problem to fix. The only reason people drive the way they do is because there is no real punishment. There is a gazillion cops on the streets currently doing nothing, but if those cops were giving out expensive fines and take their license away to anyone who runs a red light, cuts other cars off, doesn't give the right of passage to pedestrians, doesn't wear his seat belt, drinks and drives etc., you would see a big reduction in reckless driving. Albania has all the resources and infrastructure (because it doesn't take much) to fix this problem but nothing is being done. Sad.
Anonymous said…
Ticket collectors will get really rich in Albania!
Kolin said…
Last week on the Tirana-Elbasan road over the mountain, a Mercedes overtook me at high speed. Swung recklessly all over the road and only just managed to correct itself.

NOT the place to try out corners at high speed!!

Trying something similar to your site - but from life up in Shkoder.
olli said…
Hi NoVA. Agree entirely - this is not a difficult or expensive problem to fix but no-one has the will to make it happen.

Hi Kolin. Nice to hear from you. If you are in Tirana in the next few weeks let me know.
Anonymous said…
oh dear! I fear for him when he'll get home. Not sure what his father would do to him for the smashed Merc but I'm pretty sure he won't say much to his son about proper driving. If only parents took more time talking to their kids :s

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