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Mother Tereza

Ten years after Mother Tereza's death, Albania is holding a ten day celebration of her life, with a series of public events across the city. Large posters have appeared across the city marking the anniversary.


Anonymous said…
Hey I am a Christian from Albania, and I agree with the student from Kosovo. There's nothing 'MUSLIM' about what he said.

Take a hike!
Anonymous said…
The notion of what has Mother Teresa done for Albania is wrong in more than one level!

1. Last time I checked, the concept of humanity and human race took precedence before Albania/Albanians (or of any other nation as per that).

2. Mother Teresa was a living example of selfless love, perseverance and the possibility to bring about change no matter how bleak and dark the situation. The fact that she came out of the Albanian genetic pool deeply honors Albania

3. Albania caused a lot of grief in her personal life and yet she loved her unconditionally and gracefully accepted Albanian citizenship after she was the well known and well loved nun we all know.

4. Put Albania in the map for Nobel laureates.

…and the list can go on for a good while but perhaps most importantly what she did do for Albania was the invaluable example of going out of your way to help other without expecting any material recompense ….
Anonymous said…
to the anonymous apparantly "christian" from albania:

I value culture more then religion. While you might be a christian religously your comment shows u as oriental from anatolia! Keep your mouth shut and dont badmouth the person who donated her life to humanity.
Anonymous said…

The only Anatoliac here is that fellow that sees something 'islamic' in what that Kosovar student said.

I stand by my and his assesment of Mother Teresa. Whatever benefit Albanians might derive from her is accidental
olli said…
I think what MT does for Albania is offer non-Albanians a different image than the usual media one of trafficking, crime etc. I imagine that's why the government want to make a big fuss.
Anonymous said…
I find it disturbing on many levels this religious discussion going on here. Disturbing and deeply anti-Albanian. Obviously we are dealing here with Albanians from somewhere else in the west who have fallen into the religious traps (probably somewhere in the US).

Shame on you for daring to insult any Albanian on the basis of religion. Thank God/Allah (I am deeply atheist myself so don't worry), there are so few of you in Albania.

As for Mother Tereza, I find it a very pathetic attempt by the Albanian government (of both colors) to try and honor this person who has done nothing for Albania, has never set foot in the country, and the only thing she has to do with Albania is the incidental fact that she was born to an Albanian family. She belongs to her church, and as all such "lost" people, she does not belong to us or even cares she was once one of us.

It is a pathetic and shameful attempt, not so much because of who she is or what she has done, but rather because in an effrot to, as our man says, portray a better image of Albania to the world, we use her image and ignore the multitude of other personalities that TRULY make us proud and TRULY represent who we are as a people. All the intellectuals, artists, writers, rilindas etc, all of them ignored to glorify...some nun. Shameful, ridiculous, pathetic and weak.

Does this no-body (as far as Albania is concerned), deserve more respect and more statues and more places named after her, than the likes of Fan Noli, Naim Frasheri, Cabej, Barleti, Konica, even Kadare and many many others?

It is juvinile behavior that honors "pop stars" instead of people to really be proud of. The square in front of the Univerity in Tirana, does it deserve the name and a state of Mother Tereza, the brillinat scholar that she was?? How about naming it Naim Frasheri, or Fan Noli, or Marin Barleti, and a state of any of these guys? Would that not be more appropriate?

I hope we grow up soon (and I have hopes we will), and start respecting ourselves more before we expect respect from others. Thankfully statues and names of places can always be changed later.

As for your religious talk, with all due respect you can shuv that where it belongs. Go to Greece or Serbia and enjoy freedom from "orinetalism" if you'd like.
Anonymous said…
hum....dear, dear oh dear. It's pointless to argue with someone who says mother tereza shouldnt be respected because she did 'nothing' for his country! Hence, Im not going to argue with him! It would be foolish to attemt to educate someone who thinks that way. But let me just say: For the record though, Noli (if he was alize) would have respected her greatly. And you have no right to mention him or Frasheri in your ridiculous post ending it with orientalism in greece or serbia. I would never live in both countries. If you have, then why are u complaining? Simply dont go there! Go somewhere where you are treated with respect. And who is talking about religion? Mother Tereza is respected by the whole world regardless of religion. And why is it that you dont speak up when the centre mosques start yelling prayers 5 times a day in this so called 'non-oriental' country of ours but u speak against a woman who has done only good in this world! Thats what u should focus your negativity on! Hope this helps put things into prespective. If not, God/Allah/nature/your dad (or whatever or whomever you believe in) help you cause I cant!
Anonymous said…
ok, i'm the first anonymous,
you should have been there and heard how the kosovar student said it! Plus, that person talks everyday about weapons, anti-us, anti-christian and says that Albania Christians are traitors like serbs. And she is a girl!

Do you want it more straidforwardly than this?

I'm saying, that these people are so blind as to put down Mother Teresa. It can't get any worse than this!
Anonymous said…
"If this is not pure hate and backwardness, what is it?"

Anonymous said…
To: the first anonymous
From: the second anonymous

There's no correlation between how that Kosovar (probably radicalized somewhere in the west) feels about Christian Albanians, and what Mother Teresa has done for Albanians.

I will repeat myself again:

Whatever benefit Albanians derive Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhi becoming Mother Teresa is PURELY ACCIDENTAL.

It certainly does not warrant squares, airports, universities to be named after her.
olli said…
Go easy on the language and personal comments people.

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