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Thanks to Venera for introducing us to yet another fine restaurant in Tirana. On Wednesday we were at Grepi i Arte, which is tucked away on a small, nameless street between Bulevardi Gjerg Fishta and R. Myslym Shyri.

The restaurant is bright and spacious and tastefully decorated. More importantly the food is excellent as is the service. The owner, Niko, has made a real effort and it seems to be paying off, since the restaurant was well filled on Wednesday night and I'm told it is also very busy at lunchtimes.

Well worth a visit if you are in Tirana. Pass the Elda petrol station on Gjergj Fishta heading away from Taiwan, then take the first right followed by the first left. The restaurant is about 50 metres away on the right. If you want to make a reservation - or if you get lost trying to find it - you can call them on 068 207 7804.

look for the blue neon

Niko, the owner, with a big fish

take your pick


Thanks for another good (I believe) tip, Alwyn, which I'll try when in Tirana next (probaby in oct).

For fish I've always had good luck at "Peshku" in rr. Frasheri (right off Blv Zog I) - right next to it there is an italian "Gelateria Artigianale" with terrific ice cream!

BTW, we all will miss the great scout that you're!

So happy that both Dougal and Bella are being taken care of. Good luck on the travel for you all, and for all your future endeavors.
Anonymous said…
oh I miss that place.
Best mussels in Tirana.

That and an other small place in front of Lana simply titled Peshku. Its in the basement and so you have to go thru some stairs down. Its a small, quaint place simply decorated with wooden stools. The fried Barbunja are what I always looked foward to. Ah until next time I am in Tirana.
Miss Kim said…
Let me second Alwyn's review! It was a great dinner and the fish was well presented and well prepared!
Anonymous said…
this restorant have greek food, greek music and greek colors....

we have many good albanian restorant to go....with albanian food,albanian music and albanian colors....

anyway thanks a lot for this information ;)
olli said…
Drita, we will be here until the end of October so maybe we can meet up on your next trip.

Anon, yes it is Greek but I didn't thik it mattered that much.
Anonymous said…
"this restorant have greek food, greek music and greek colors.... "

the greek didn't invent fish, blue and white is related to sailors/sea, and greek music is beautiful.

As for those Albanians who have developed anti-greek feelings for no reason in the last few years, I remind you that Greece keeps and feeds 600 000 Albanian migrants. It is the country who has taken in the mnost Albanians since 1991. Albanians in GReece are the ones to send the most remittances back home. Helping people get a job, learn a skill, one by one, is the most capitalistic and best way of helping. Some people are still in communism and expect everything for free. Why should Greece give you what the Albanian government is not giving you? Greece gives to them what the Albanian government is failing to do a job, water, electricity, free school system, free hospitals, etc etc. Many Greek people have baptized, and formed personal relationships with Albanians. That is a lot! Who welcomes a stranger into the family like that?I find their religion to be far more genuine than Serbs. Serbs exchanged the communist star for the cross. I have been more than 12 times in Greece and everyone has been super nice and friendly to me. Imagine if 600 000 Greeks came suddnely illegally, at night through the border, or with fake documents within 5 years to Albania. Imagine to hear everyday in the news how greeks in albania steal, rape, kill, are caught with drugs, escape jail, etc etc. What would you do? I don't think you are any better than them. Greece is a hospitable country that welcomes the world every year. You can tell people from the music they make. Greek music is very pleasant and tells me the kind of the soul that made it and sang it!
Anonymous said…
greek brother( or half albanian and half greek )...relax...take it easy....

greek music is beautiful...but this is your preference...
Personally i like to listen a beautiful albanian music....

blue and white is related to sailors/sea....
ok nice to know this... but personally i like red and black... of course the red is related to the blood of the albanian that fought for freedom, and the black is the color of the mother of every true albanian; "The Eagle".

Anyway brother, doesn't matter, we are here to enjoy this web-site... if you like much greeks than albanians, take a greek passaport( i think that you have already)and enjoy your life ;)
Anonymous said…
I don't think that the most important thing of tis fine restaurant is the music, or color, or whatever. It's the great food, the great service, the careness showed by the owners to their clients. Its the contemporanity of simplicity and high quality together. If you want to eat well, and rally enjoy qualitative sea food, accompnied with a fine wine, and have them well-served, u absolutely should go there! Dont put racism please in all these! Greek, albanian, iranian, african, you are really overdoing!
nousha said…
thanks for the review. I'll try it out :)

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