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The Fort Dix Six

My Google Alert for Albania turned up this article on a US website, The Conservative Voice. It's an anti-Albanian rant for the most part, and the people producing it seem to belong to the black-helicopter brigade - the kind who think the UN is going to come and take away all your guns and force your children to learn about evolution. Nonetheless, these kinds of people do tend to get a hearing in some sections of American society, and it did turn up on Google.

I did think it was funny, though, while browsing their website to come across their repeated assertions that they stand for truth against relativism and then to read the small-print of the disclaimer at the bottom of the article: and accept no responsibility for the accuracy or inaccuracies of any story or opinion. I suppose irony is lost on these people.

Perhaps the news that Albanian soldiers, continuing their worldwide odyssey, are now off to Lebanon in support of NATO might reassure them.


Anonymous said…
If we were the "terror" as they say then I'd be happy because the world would have no problems.
ITS said…
Come on... Alwyn,

That article was unreadable. Now, I have a headache, so thanks a lot!

Gibberish, inchoherent ramble, conspiracy theories... yes yes... makes extraterrestrial fiends seem normal when compared to this John Powell dude. Come to think of it... an anal probing could be the best thing to ever happen to this guy...
Anonymous said…
Seems like these muslim duka brothers were radicalized here in the states - seeing as they've lived most of their entire lives here.

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