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Getting Ready

To coincide with President Bush's visit there is going to be a photographic exhibition at the Pyramid (or the Pjeter Arbnori International Centre of Culture as it's officially known these days) starting this Sunday and continuing until 10 June.


Anonymous said…
That's so rude. They have put the Albanian flag straight, but the American one is twisted. So much about welcoming the guests...
Anonymous said…
Why have my comment been removed.
All I said is that is nothing wrong with the flag since the same position is used during olimpic games or F1 (if you ever look at them obviously).
Why everything we do is wrong and everything europeans do or say is right. In that case please leave and go back where you come from(the phrase most used by them towards albanians)and leave as to do what we want and that includes being rude (it's our land it's our right) .
Anonymous said…
o rob, dhe une shqiptare jam. lol

it's just that maybe it's more polite if the Americans were head up like the Albanian flag

I'm just worried so that every detail is right.
Anonymous said…
I know, how about put the flag right side up, & turn George upside down?

Pls feel free to keep him on extended loan.
olli said…
Anon, as your comment indicates you acknowledge that part of your first comment was rude - that's why it was removed. Since you didn't repeat that part this time, your comment stands.
Anonymous said…
There is a protocol for flag display. Whoever is in charge should follow that protocol. And if they aren't sure, all they have to do is walk three hundred yards to the U.S. embassy and ask.
Anonymous said…
There is a flag protocol for the U.S. flag which states the union (the blue part with the stars) is always in the viewers upper left hand corner when hung from a building. The problem here is not that the flag is not "right side up", it's just turned the wrong way. It is perfectly acceptable to hang the flag vertically as shown in the photo, just have the stars on the viewers left.

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