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Another Hard Day at the Office

Last night after another fine dinner at King House - highly recommended - I ended up at Tirana's trendiest nightclub, Lollipop. There were five of us there and I think between us we raised the average age considerably.

I'm not a nightclub person, but there was a live band playing and a friend arranged some tickets for us. We arrived just as the band were playing Gloria - a taste of home. For those who don't know, Gloria was a song by Them, whose lead singer was Van Morrison before he got famous all on his own.

Van Morrison is a son of my own home town of Belfast - and is the person they should have named Belfast City Airport after instead of drunken wife beater George Best. Then we could have flown from Van Morrison airport to John Lennon airport.

We also had The Monkees, Elvis, Robbie Williams and a few others I can't remember or didn't recognise. I thought it was interesting that all the songs were in English and the few words the singer spoke between songs were also in English.

Today we are having a treasure hunt. Thankfully since I helped organise it I don't have to join in myself. For the last few days it has been blisteringly hot and blindingly bright so I can sit in the AC at Flares - also highly recommended - while the participants fall over from dehydration and sunstroke.

After the treasure hunt it will be time for the post treasure hunt barbeque, which will be followed almost immediately by the other barbeque. Unfortunately, the other barbeque coincides with the opening party for Tirana's newest cinema, which you can find in the Sheraton complex, so we are going to have to miss that one.

After the other barbeque there's always Lollipop again for a second night of live music, or the beer festival in the park. Though I might leave that for tomorrow. I might even remember to bring my camera to something.


ak said…
Don't get caught in the routine. Try to enjoy yourself more. Get e suitcase, a shirt and a necktie. And two cell numbers, and an ugly secretary that reminds you what Darwin said about man and chimp and all of that. You'll see that life will look different.

Envy you. Regards.
Anonymous said…
Cool!.. I didn't know he was from Belfast.
Anonymous said…
poor you, they make you work on Saturdays...

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