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Men in Trunks

The funniest story of last week appeared in Korrieri.

Three shady types from Kosova were holidaying in Albania. While relaxing on their sun-loungers on a private beach in Durres, they suddenly discovered that twelve of their swimsuit clad fellow sun worshippers were in fact police officers, there to arrest them.

Korrieri fails to answer the key question though: where did they keep their handcuffs?


ITS said…
The question is: Where did you learn to read in Albanian?
Anonymous said…

what is your e-mail address?
Anonymous said…
Yes Alwyn, your Albanian seems to be pretty good; that's impressive. Congratulations!

I have a theory about the handcuffs: Have you seen "Pulp fiction"? Do you remember the story of the watch, how is was so precious to Bruce Willis, cause his dad kept the watch hidden in his ass for 10 years while prisoner in Vietnam, and then when dad died, his cell mate kept the watch in his ass for another 10 years? Well, handcuffs may be a little bigger than a watch and more difficult to manouver in and out, but these are police officers, highly skilled, motivated and disciplined that can handle the task (no pun intended)
Anonymous said…
Hi Our man! My name is Andi Kananaj. I am a journalist with Klan Tv. I am working on a report abourt blogs in Albania. It's interesting, most of them are hold bu foreigners. I-d really like to talk to you about how u decided to open this blog and about its content. If you are interested please contact me at
Thanx in advance. Andi. 0692068524
Anonymous said…
I think we should all try and teach Alwyn a couple of Albanian words every day. Let's start with the name calling:

qen bir qeni - you dog, son of a dog

Not used for cursing dogs Alwyn :)

olli said…
I confess I came across an English summary of this story, but found it so unlikely that I checked it against the original.

I can actually understand a lot more Albanian than I can speak. I can usually get the gist of an article and with the help of a dictionary can make my way through them slowly.

Good theory on the handcuffs. I'm glad they weren't putting them on me .

I tried out the qen bir qeni on some guy in a BMW who cut me off. I don' think he heard me.

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